Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Welcome to the VR Developer Nanodegree/01. Welcome to the VR Developer Nanodegree-gDWXrnEeelg.mp431.54MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Career Services Available to You/01. Meet the Careers Team-cuKecPpZ7PM.mp410.12MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR/01. Principles of VR-skg_5KxWy-k.mp49.71MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code/01. The Importance of Documentation-bDygQ4GsNW0.mp45.84MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code/02. Navigating the Documentation-Q0Ybot5D1hs.mp412.71MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code/03. What Is the Difference Between UnityEngine and UnityEditor-CkwcrwtHVkk.mp44.89MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Intro to VR Design/04. Design Process and Iteration-rDKLPg4WVbk.mp418.41MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Intro to VR Design/05. The Importance of Going in Early and Often-Bi390odrn-w.mp414.43MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Intro to VR Design/06. User Testing-Gytc7UuKimE.mp412.16MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/01. Intro-gorgU9RH1m0.mp410MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/02. It's All About the People-Eyqmtqn7bSA.mp411.51MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/04. Personas-HCUDkG2h36Q.mp43.77MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/06. Building a Foundation Statement of Purpose-nF4y-f9xI2c.mp44.35MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/08. Ergonomics for VR-UTQk93JwelM.mp43.76MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/09. Viewing Angles-YC8EFxGWEuQ.mp426.41MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/11. Distance-zwbUyNz9rhY.mp48.92MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/13. Text-FNtbHQ6Zcfg.mp42.06MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/15. Movement-JKs1EFEbFTU.mp49.2MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/16. Starting Low-Fi with Sketches-CG8maS8GJdE.mp415.96MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Design Foundations, Ergonomics, and the Puzzler Project/18. Wrapping Up-c1yNnSkV6tc.mp44.78MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/01. Intro-hy-hfw0_ZMU.mp410.04MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/02. Why Is Scale so Important-flRXSdIPaIk.mp47.57MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/03. Establishing Scale-Ur0v5E4td6M.mp412.77MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/04. Building the Scene-p7-uRRRrERA.mp45.08MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/05. Placing Our Game Orbs-4Ncd-fI2wqs.mp412.49MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/06. Scene Setting, Mood, and Lighting-l042yICH-I8.mp425.84MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/08. Intro to User Testing-lyUhkQEseYI.mp48.5MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/09. Asking Questions-Uw7u1JOgSVw.mp43.15MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/10. Getting User Testing Information-9R97mPdL9Q4.mp43.08MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Setting the Scene and Your First User Test/11. Your First Test!-wkEdIFZh3xc.mp422.8MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/01. Intro-8outaHKYpj0.mp44.52MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/02. Setting the Mood with Audio-mgQ3dVrg2hY.mp45.43MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/04. Implementing Audio-Z8HEeFnBkxs.mp49.73MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/05. Implementing the Game Mechanic-Hj8o9Bnbc_8.mp418.2MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/06. Audio and Visual Feedback-_6FVj5eR2JE.mp410.09MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/07. A Little More Feedback!-H_eEHPO10qw.mp411.48MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 06_Audio Goodness, Game Mechanics, and Feedback/09. Closing Out-RQb79nK1c2M.mp45.93MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 07_Presenting the Work/01. The Importance of Documentation-KgULrgpEbxI.mp410.67MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 07_Presenting the Work/04. Creating a High-Level Outline-osNiEeZQcW8.mp41.92MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 07_Presenting the Work/07. Using Your Outline to Write-LkPccFQmL4o.mp412.73MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 07_Presenting the Work/12. Make It Live!-6IDCFsNIivo.mp45.12MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 07_Presenting the Work/13. Thanks for Taking the Course - Now Repeat!-N71NaoqDhiI.mp49.7MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Platforms & Specializations/01. Where Are We Headed -Fv2zmorWGj8.mp412.06MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Platforms & Specializations/03. High End Mobile VR - The GearVR-9uy3OHdH2y4.mp43.42MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Platforms & Specializations/04. Come Aboard The 360 Media Train!-QirWKPcDOBU.mp49.49MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Platforms & Specializations/05. High End Mobile VR - Daydream VR-z18eiwR7_58.mp47.57MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Major Industries/08. You Did It! --6-JIdyG9BQ.mp44.74MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/02. Intro-zQpMi4_6BwQ.mp46.52MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/03. Why Is Poor Performance Such an Issue-LwZ465j2lug.mp412.91MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/05. The FPS Display - Your first crime solving tool-x2IccOxhqqo.mp48.97MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/07. Headroom and Horsepower-gL1GUrNYzH8.mp411.94MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/08. Power Management-R1GlaZOhTbM.mp43.39MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/10. Heat Management-2VzeafH2mGU.mp48.82MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 08-Module 01-Lesson 01_Why Is Performance so Important/11. In Closing-cQehzvJ1ges.mp44.76MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 02_High-Immersion Engineering/07. 05 L Dash And Artificial Walking V2-N3UDMESpBo0.mp412.51MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 02_High-Immersion Engineering/09. 06 L Grabbing And Throwing V2-DTgGenAGPXc.mp416.54MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 02_High-Immersion Engineering/11. 07 L Menu Systems And Input Axis Part1-M2tuwaJpDfw.mp49.48MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 02_High-Immersion Engineering/12. 07 L Menu Systems And Input Axis Part2-ixyH6f1nQ3E.mp414.93MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 02_High-Immersion Engineering/15. 07 L Menu Systems And Input Axis Part3-TCutx9-L35g.mp42.82MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 03_Cross-Platform Development/01. 01 L Intro-All About SDKs-FaOsL5hFHuQ.mp47.21MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 03_Cross-Platform Development/03. 03 L Using The Oculus SDK-zMvfF3rg9qU.mp434.07MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 02-Lesson 02_Advanced Lighting/10. Nd017 C08B L2 A13 L Next Steps V2-BuFbJTTS-tk.mp44.4MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 02-Lesson 03_Publishing for Desktop VR/01. Nd017 C08B L3 A01 L Intro To The Biggest PC VR Stores V2-Eq0l7kpKpZo.mp48.94MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 09-Module 02-Lesson 03_Publishing for Desktop VR/05. Nd017 C08B L3 A05 L Marketing And Funding Your App V2-UPjsOBDMiAs.mp413.95MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 01_Introduction to Immersive Media/01. What Is Immersive Media VR-PI_ytit_oi4.mp47.22MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 02_Developing a Critical Eye/01. Learning from other people-YC15wb54tGU.mp43.9MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 02_Developing a Critical Eye/03. Cuts And Color-bnIQD2FzPVY.mp43.94MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 02_Developing a Critical Eye/04. How does Pearl make their cuts comfortable-fbU5h_dBYAI.mp43.42MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 02_Developing a Critical Eye/05. Thinking inside the frame-c5Zljv897dA.mp410.3MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 11-Module 01-Lesson 02_Developing a Critical Eye/06. Through whose eyes-yOLFK2WZIYY.mp48.75MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/01. Convey Your Skills Concisely-xnQr3ohml9s.mp411.53MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/02. Effective Resume Components-AiFcaHRGdEA.mp413.24MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/03. Resume Structure-POM0MqLTj98.mp412.18MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/04. Describe Your Work Experiences-B1LED4txinI.mp49.49MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/05. Resume Reflection-8Cj_tCp8mls.mp412.64MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 02_Refine Your Career Change Resume/06. Resume Review-L3F2BFGYMtI.mp412.85MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/01. Convey Your Skills Concisely-xnQr3ohml9s.mp411.53MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/02. Effective Resume Components-AiFcaHRGdEA.mp413.24MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/03. Resume Structure-POM0MqLTj98.mp412.18MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/04. Describe Your Work Experiences-B1LED4txinI.mp49.49MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/05. Resume Reflection-8Cj_tCp8mls.mp412.64MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 02-Lesson 03_Refine Your Prior Industry Experience Resume/06. Resume Review-L3F2BFGYMtI.mp412.85MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 13-Module 03-Lesson 01_Craft Your Cover Letter/01. Get an Interview with a Cover Letter!-BH1KY63YfAM.mp416.67MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 02_Practice Behavioral Questions/04. Time When You Showed Initiative-29mkriaGT0E.mp416.13MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 02_Practice Behavioral Questions/05. What Motivates You at the Workplace-Aa9SFwiRbho.mp49.81MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 02_Practice Behavioral Questions/06. A Problem and How You Dealt With It-7IKqdW30GvQ.mp440.68MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 02_Practice Behavioral Questions/07. What Do You Know About the Company-CcTfHemUvbM.mp412.48MB
Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0/Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 02_Practice Behavioral Questions/08. Time When You Dealt With Failure-Qb4o_4hCuyg.mp418.41MB