03 - Important Message/001 Important Message.mp42.23MB
04 - WINDOWS Machine Setup for Development/001 Installing Android Studio and Setup.mp488.74MB
04 - WINDOWS Machine Setup for Development/003 Creating a Kotlin Module and Running it.mp416.58MB
04 - WINDOWS Machine Setup for Development/004 Kotlin Playground - Online Code Editor.mp49.7MB
05 - MAC Machine Setup for Development/001 Install and Setup Android Studio.mp471.99MB
05 - MAC Machine Setup for Development/002 Create a Kotlin Module in a Android Project.mp420.69MB
05 - MAC Machine Setup for Development/003 Kotlin Playground - Online Code Editor.mp410.03MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/001 App Demo.mp47.7MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/002 Setting Up BizCard App - Android Compose Surface Layout and Preview.mp488.41MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/003 Creating a Card and Changing Its Properties with Modifier.mp477.74MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/004 Adding the Profile Image.mp477.01MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/005 Adding a Column and a Divider.mp475.39MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/006 [CHALLENGE] - Change Divider's Parameters.mp43.67MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/007 [CHALLENGE SOLUTION] - Divider Parameters.mp413.8MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/008 Adding the Card Info Section.mp444.29MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/009 Adding the Portfolio Button.mp425.85MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/010 Create the Content Composable Function.mp454.98MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/011 Adding a LazyColumn Layout and the Toggle Functionality.mp492.14MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/012 Final Touches to the BizCard App.mp4111.14MB
06 - [Build an App - BizCard] - Build Your First Jetpack Compose App/013 What's Next.mp44.19MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/001 Introduction - What's Jetpack & Understanding the Imperative Approach.mp434.42MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/002 Understanding a Compose Project - Basics - Preview and Compose Annotation.mp492.96MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/003 Creating a Simple Composable Function.mp452.81MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/004 Modifier and Composable Functions - What are they.mp455.8MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/005 Creating a Simple Compose App - Create a Circle.mp469.74MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/006 Adding the Circle into the Main Surface.mp445.13MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/007 Finishing Up the User Interface.mp478.32MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/008 Introduction to MutableState - Incrementing a Counter.mp491.95MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/009 [Imperative vs Declarative Approach] - Thinking in Compose.mp425.3MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/010 Hoisting the State of Our Money Counter App.mp4134.23MB
13 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals/011 Section Summary - Jetpack Compose and Paradigm Shift.mp416.71MB
14 - [Optional] Android Real Device Setup/001 How to Setup an Android Device for Development.mp454.87MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/001 JetTip App Demo.mp49.95MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/002 The Structure of JetTip & Setting up the Container Function.mp4112.04MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/003 The TopHeader Function - Finish up.mp488.36MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/004 Adding the Rounded Border for the Main Content.mp444.91MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/005 Input Fields - Creating a Customizable InputField Composable Function.mp4160MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/006 Showing the Input Field.mp4111.8MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/007 Refactoring the InputField Compose Function.mp472.8MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/008 Creating Round Icon Buttons.mp4188.29MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/009 Fixing the Input Field Width.mp434.57MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/010 Adding the TipRow and Slider.mp4111.96MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/011 Finishing up the Slider Composable.mp450.02MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/012 Incrementing and Decrementing Functions.mp453.12MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/013 Showing the Tip Percentage on Slide Value Change.mp429.76MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/014 Calculating the Tip Amount.mp457.79MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/015 Total per Person Calculations.mp4103.35MB
15 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Tip Calculator App/016 State Hoisting - Code Refactor and Section Summary.mp483.85MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/001 Section Introduction.mp42.43MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/002 Understanding the Scaffold Composable.mp463.86MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/003 Using LazyColum and Showing Movies.mp499.69MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/004 Make Each Row Clickable.mp437.63MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/005 Introduction to Navigation Component.mp416.07MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/006 Setting up the Navigation Structure.mp486.89MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/007 Setting up Navigation Structure - Home Screen and Details Screen.mp4124.46MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/008 Navigating and Passing Arguments.mp483.44MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/009 Navigating Back on Back button Clicked.mp426.88MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/010 Adding the TopAppBar and Back Navigation.mp463.24MB
16 - [Jetpack Compose] - Build a Movie App - Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn/011 Navigation Component Summary.mp49.84MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/001 Adding Movie Data class and Dummy Data.mp477.95MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/002 Using Coil to Add Images.mp493.8MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/003 Adding Expand Capability on the Card to show More Info.mp4108.07MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/004 Adding more Movie Info into the Row.mp433.46MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/005 Finishing Up the Details Screen.mp4108.47MB
17 - [Jetpack Compose] - Movie App - Improvements/006 Section Summary - Movie App Improvements.mp414.65MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/001 Note App Demo.mp413.87MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/002 Note App - Project Setup & Creating a TextField.mp4129.12MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/003 Adding TextField and a Button.mp487.28MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/004 Adding a DataSource Class - Dummy Data.mp473.88MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/005 Creating a Note Row and Showing Dummy Notes.mp486.78MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/006 Adding and Removing Notes - Showing them on Screen.mp481.82MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/007 Managing State and Data in Compose - Introduction to ViewModel.mp414.01MB
18 - [Jetpack Compose] - Introduction to ViewModel - Build a Note App/008 Creating a ViewModel and Implementing It.mp4153.58MB
19 - [Jetpack Compose] - Note App Improvements - ROOM and Dependency Injection - Hilt/001 What We'll do.mp48.76MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/005 Setting up Retrofit and Hilt DI - Part 1.mp4144.01MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/006 Setting up the Repository and Data Wrapper Class.mp496.45MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/007 Loading Books in a Composable & Instantiating a HiltViewModel.mp468.24MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/008 Setting Up Repository.mp495.06MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/009 Creating the BookSearch ViewModel.mp449.2MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/010 Testing the BookSearch ViewModel and Showing Books on Screen.mp4122.66MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/011 Adding a isLoading Progress Indicator.mp446.98MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/012 Finishing up the Search Screen UI.mp434.96MB
25 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App - The Search Screen/013 Section Summary - Search Book Screen.mp47.92MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/001 Book Details Screen.mp44.19MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/002 Creating the Details Screen and Passing a Book Id.mp496.32MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/003 Retrieving a Book Data from ViewModel - Introduction to ProduceState.mp4110.82MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/004 Setting up the Details Screen - Adding Image and Title.mp475.63MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/005 Adding the Book Description.mp472.06MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/006 Adding the Save and Cancel Buttons & Creating the MBook model Class.mp494.19MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/007 Saving a Book to Firestore Database.mp4107.7MB
26 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App The Details Screen & Saving Books/008 Section Summary - Book Details and Saving Book to Firestore.mp417.73MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/001 Section Introduction - Home Screen Book - Filtering.mp44.83MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/002 Filtering Books into Read and Not yet Categories.mp4109.43MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/003 The Book Stats Screen - Showing Read and Reading Book Number.mp494.13MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/004 Finishing the Stats Screen.mp474.68MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/005 Final Touches on the App.mp469.27MB
28 - [Jetpack Compose] - Capstone App - Reader App Reading and Book list Categories/006 [FIX] Book Rating Not Showing.mp413.7MB