01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/002 Install Java JDK - Windows PC.mp423.46MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/003 Install IntelliJ IDEA - Windows PC.mp417.64MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/004 Install Android Studio - Windows PC.mp436.36MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/005 Install IntelliJ IDEA - MAC.mp417.73MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/006 Install Java - Linux Ubuntu.mp417.31MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/007 Install Android IntelliJ - Linux Ubuntu.mp430.6MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/008 Installing Android Studio - Linux Ubuntu.mp428.4MB
01 Development Setup - Windows PC MAC and Linux Ubuntu/009 How to Import Kotlin CodeResources into IntelliJ.mp46.97MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/011 Write a Hello World program in Kotlin.mp411.91MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/012 Kotlin - How to Make Comments in Your Code.mp47.13MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/013 Kotlin Variables.mp414.57MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/014 Kotlin Variable type String.mp412.09MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/015 Kotlin Variable type Int.mp417.76MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/016 Kotlin - Variable type - Double.mp410.32MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/017 Kotlin Variable type Boolean.mp49.35MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/018 Kotlin - Variable type - Float.mp49.37MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/019 Kotlin Char Variable Types.mp411.36MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/020 Kotlin - Difference between Var and Val Keywords.mp414.99MB
02 Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/021 Kotlin - How to Read Input with readLine Method - App - Store Coversation.mp432.71MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/023 Kotlin - Adding Numbers.mp411.72MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/024 Kotlin - Subtraction.mp45MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/025 Kotlin - Multiplying Numbers.mp45.91MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/026 Kotlin - Division.mp416.53MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/027 Kotlin - Remainder.mp47.92MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/028 Incrementing and Decrementing.mp414.48MB
03 Kotlin - Operations and Operators/029 How to Convert Between Data Types.mp416.76MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/031 Conditional operators.mp415.03MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/032 If-else Statements and Conditional operators.mp417.35MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/033 Logical Operators AND OR NOT.mp422.41MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/034 When Expression.mp422.27MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/035 For Loop.mp421.71MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/036 While Loop.mp410.76MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/037 Do while Loop.mp413.62MB
04 Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If else switch/038 App - How Many Siblings.mp424.78MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/040 Functions With Parameters.mp421.59MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/041 Functions Return Types.mp427.59MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/042 Functions - No return Type No parameters.mp47.95MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/043 Variable Scope.mp413.73MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/044 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - OOP - Whats a Class.mp47.6MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/045 Lets Create our First Class.mp434.95MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/046 Setters and Getters.mp419.33MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/047 Inheritance - Introduction.mp44.59MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/048 Inheritance.mp432.46MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/049 Overloading Constructors.mp426.23MB
05 Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/050 Controlling Access to fields Instance Variables - Properties.mp427.03MB
06 Advanced OOP In Kotlin/052 Interface Classes.mp417.7MB
06 Advanced OOP In Kotlin/053 Abstract Classes.mp431.94MB
06 Advanced OOP In Kotlin/054 Generic Classes.mp420.48MB
06 Advanced OOP In Kotlin/055 Enums in Kotlin.mp418.39MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/057 Whats an Array - Creating Arrays in Kotlin.mp43.26MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/058 Create Arrays and Iterate Through.mp417.2MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/059 Arrays - Part 2.mp416.6MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/060 Array Lists.mp427.9MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/061 Hashmaps.mp417.73MB
07 Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/062 MapOf Arrayof MutableList.mp427.25MB
08 Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write Read File - Storage/064 Writing to Files Text Files.mp421.36MB
08 Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write Read File - Storage/065 writing to File with User Input and Appending Characters.mp416.15MB
08 Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write Read File - Storage/066 Reading from Text Files.mp417.06MB
08 Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write Read File - Storage/067 App - Writing a Reader-Write App.mp428.1MB
09 Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/069 Installing the Android Studio and Setup Kotlin and Run First App.mp439.07MB
09 Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/070 Android Studio Quick Tour.mp432.65MB
09 Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/071 Android Studio Tour - File Structure Manifest Strings.mp430.38MB
09 Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/072 App - Whats My Name.mp434.38MB
09 Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/074 String.xml Manifest and Android Studio File.mp426.04MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/075 TextViews EditText and Buttons - Enter Name and Show name.mp432.47MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/076 Enter Name and Show - Final.mp420.37MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/078 App - How Much You Weigh on Mars.mp423.31MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/079 App - How Much You Weigh on Other Planets.mp435.93MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/080 CheckBoxes in Android.mp444.88MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/081 App- How Much You Weigh on. Improved Version 2.mp448.21MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/082 App - Weight On. Improved part 2.mp439.18MB
10 Creating User Interface - TextViews Buttons EditTexts. and More UI Widgets/083 App- How Much You Weigh on. Improved Version 3 - Final.mp446.25MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/085 Adding Images to Our Apps - ImageViews.mp433.39MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/086 Adding Images to Our Apps - Why we Use Kotlin Extensions Plugin.mp421.8MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/088 App - ImageFilter.mp454.75MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/090 App - Random background Colors.mp429.86MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/092 Layouts - LinearLayout.mp422.08MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/093 RelativeLayouts.mp427.19MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/094 TableRow Layout.mp423.08MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/095 ScrowView Layout.mp411.59MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/096 Styles and Themes in Android.mp454.24MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/097 Context in Android and Toast Class.mp433.47MB
11 Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/098 Debugging Your Code.mp425.48MB
12 Activities and Navigations/099 Whats an Activity.mp416.62MB
12 Activities and Navigations/100 Activity lifecycle.mp427.97MB
12 Activities and Navigations/101 Navigating from One Activity to Another.mp418.66MB
12 Activities and Navigations/102 Passing Data between Activities.mp421.01MB
12 Activities and Navigations/103 Passing data back to first Activity.mp439.57MB
12 Activities and Navigations/104 App - Animals Bio - User Interface - Part I.mp433.25MB
12 Activities and Navigations/105 App - Animals Bio - Final.mp434.5MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/107 Introduction to Listviews - Demo.mp46.19MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/108 How do Listviews Work - Adpaters and Listviews.mp433.02MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/110 RecyclerView - Part 1 - UI.mp431.66MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/111 RecyclerView - Part 2 - UI.mp440.38MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/112 RecyclerView - Part 3 - Code.mp451.94MB
13 Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/113 Adding Event Listeners to Each Row.mp414.22MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/115 Shared Preferences.mp447.31MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/116 Introduction to Databases in Android - Kotlin - Sqlite.mp45.3MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/117 App - Chores - Demo.mp47.07MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/118 App - App - Chores - User Interface.mp437.02MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/119 App - Chores - Database handler Class.mp433.43MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/120 App - Chores - Add and Retrieve a Chore.mp451.99MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/121 App - Chores - Finalize CRUD Functions.mp439.37MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/122 App - Chores - Saving User Input to Database.mp436.1MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/123 App - Chores - Custom Listrow - User Inter face.mp438.49MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/124 App - Chores - Recycler Adapter.mp444.51MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/125 App - Chores - Showing Chores on Recycler Adapter.mp444.79MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/126 App - Chores - Adding Toolbar Add Button.mp433.44MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/127 App - Chores - Create Custom Popup.mp442.46MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/128 App - Chores - Saving Chore From Popup.mp430.82MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/129 App - Chores - Deleting Chore.mp467.72MB
14 Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences Database - Internal Storage/130 App - Chores - Final Touches.mp458.63MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/132 Introduction to HTTP Request and JSON and Networking in Android.mp411.44MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/133 Whats an Android Library.mp47.07MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/134 Volley String Request.mp454.67MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/135 Volley JSON ArrayRequest.mp465.79MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/136 Volley JSON ObjectRequest.mp477.52MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/137 App - Recipe Finder - Demo.mp49.68MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/138 App - Recipe Finder - User Interface - Part 1.mp439.85MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/139 App - Recipe Finder - User Interface - Part 2 - Listrow.mp435.86MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/140 App - Recipe Finder -RecyclerAdapter.mp453.92MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/141 App - Recipe Finder - Parsing Recipies.mp450.59MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/142 App - Recipe Finder - Show Recipes on RecyclerVew.mp443.15MB
15 Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/143 App - Recipe Finder - Final.mp450.91MB
16 Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/144 Firebase - Introduction to Cloud Based Services - Setup.mp426.43MB
16 Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/145 Firebase - Read Values from Fireabase Database.mp423.68MB
16 Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/146 Firebase - Save Objects and Use Push.mp430.34MB
16 Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/147 Firebase - Login User With Email and Password.mp426.37MB