21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/4. Downloading & Installing the Network Device VM.mp419.61MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/6. Importing the VM & Tweaking the VM Settings.mp420.49MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/7. Connecting the Local PC to the Devices in Windows.mp437.12MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/9. Checking the SSH Configuration and Testing the Connectivity.mp436.67MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/1. Running Python Code - The Next Level IPython and Jupyter Notebook.mp460.91MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/11. Adding, Updating, Deleting Table Rows and Columns.mp4121.73MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/13. APPLICATION - Reading and Writing Data in PostgreSQL Databases Using Pandas.mp4177.29MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/3. Introduction to Pandas - Basic Operations.mp436.93MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/5. Handling Files with Pandas - TXT, CSV, JSON, XLSX.mp4131.79MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/7. Reading HTML Content from URLs and HTML Files with Pandas.mp446.5MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/9. Indexing and Slicing Tables with Pandas.mp4150.25MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/1. Introduction to Bokeh.mp434.18MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/11. Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with a Range Tool.mp4129.18MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/13. Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with Candlesticks.mp471.73MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/3. Creating a Basic Line Plot Based on Python Lists.mp447.62MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/5. Creating a Bar Plot Based on Excel Data.mp4141.41MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/7. Creating a Pie Chart Based on CSV Data.mp488.83MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/9. Plotting Multiple Stock Prices Simultaneously.mp460.49MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/1. Installing pytest and Writing Your First Test.mp478.61MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/11. Parametrizing Fixtures.mp434.75MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/13. Marking Test Functions Using Attributes.mp468.68MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/15. Marking Test Functions Using Custom Markers.mp444.47MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/3. Running Multiple Tests. Test Discovery Rules in Action.mp448.94MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/5. Testing a Basic Script - Preparing the Test Bed.mp485.28MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/7. Fixture Functions.mp433.55MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/9. Sharing a Fixture Instance & Fixture Finalization.mp462.73MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/1. Installing the Necessary Modules.mp418.97MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/11. APPLICATION - Handling Website Pagination When Extracting Data.mp454.91MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/3. Extracting and Parsing Web Content.mp448.62MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/5. Tags, Names and Attributes.mp490.94MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/7. Searching the Tree of HTML Tags find() and find_all().mp455.54MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/9. APPLICATION - Extracting the Product Names, Links and Prices. Saving to Excel.mp4112.11MB
26. Useful Python Modules and Tools/1. Comparing File Contents (difflib).mp493.36MB
27. 10 Ways to Earn Money and Build a Portfolio with Your Python Skills/1. Putting Your Skills to Work - Part 1.mp455.86MB
27. 10 Ways to Earn Money and Build a Portfolio with Your Python Skills/2. Putting Your Skills to Work - Part 2.mp463.79MB
28. Final Section/1. Closing Thoughts.mp423.72MB
3. BEGINNER LEVEL Python 3 - Strings/1. Why learn about each of Python's data types.mp452.82MB