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  • 03 Project 1--__ Predict Fare of Airlines Tickets using Machine Learning/012 Applying Random Forest on Data & Automate predictions.mp42.77MB
  • 01 Introduction to this course/001 Intro to this course.mp42.77MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 9个月前 文件大小: 2.77 GB 资源热度:166

  • 04 Singular Value Decomposition/001 Introduction to SVD.mp42.76MB
  • 01 Introduction to Recommendation System/001 Introduction to Recommender systems.mp42.76MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.76 GB 资源热度:227

  • 01 Introduction to Recommendation System/001 Introduction to Recommender systems.mp42.76MB
  • 01 Introduction to Recommendation System/002 What are it's Use Cases.mp42.76MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.76 GB 资源热度:195

  • 01 Introduction to Recommendation System/001 Introduction to Recommender systems.mp42.76MB
  • 01 Introduction to Recommendation System/002 What are it's Use Cases.mp42.76MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.76 GB 资源热度:222

  • [TutsNode.com] - 5 Creative Woodworking Projects Bumper DIY Course/1. 1st Project Bird table/5. Step 2 - Cut the two feet.mp42.75MB
  • [TutsNode.com] - 5 Creative Woodworking Projects Bumper DIY Course/5. 5th Project Make your own small aviary (animal enclosure)/11. Part 8 - Recap.mp42.75MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.75 GB 资源热度:215

  • ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to NLP/1. What is NLP.mp42.74MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to NLP/2. Why should you learn NLP.mp42.74MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.74 GB 资源热度:233

  • [TutsNode.com] - Machine Learning Real World projects in Python/3. Project 3-- Predict Prices of Airline Tickets/15. How to Cross Validate your model.mp42.73MB
  • [TutsNode.com] - Machine Learning Real World projects in Python/2. Project 1-- Predict status of Hotel Booking/7. Select Important features using Machine learning.mp42.73MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.73 GB 资源热度:95

  • 01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp42.72MB
  • 02 Customer Database Intro Project/001 Project Intro.mp42.72MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 2.72 GB 资源热度:168

  • 1. Pokédex Project/1. Setting up the environment.mp42.71MB
  • 1. Pokédex Project/10. Installing and setting up Redux.mp42.71MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 3年前 文件大小: 2.71 GB 资源热度:223

  • [TutsNode.com] - React JS - Build 5 Projects With (Redux, React Router, MUI)/1. Pokédex Project/9. Designing the Pokemon details page.mp42.71MB
  • [TutsNode.com] - React JS - Build 5 Projects With (Redux, React Router, MUI)/3. Todo List Application/8. Implementing the add todo action in redux and storing the todos.mp42.71MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 2年前 文件大小: 2.71 GB 资源热度:187